Does Laser Remove Hair Permanently?

Does Laser Remove Hair Permanently

Getting rid of hair by shaving, plucking, or waxing can take a lot of time. People often use laser hair removal to remove hair on their faces and bodies they don’t want. But does it remove hair permanently? 

Today, SkinFX Medical Spa will help you identify whether laser hair removal is the treatment you’re looking for. Check out this blog post! 

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

After your first laser hair removal treatment, you will notice right away that there are fewer hairs. Since not all hair follicles respond the same way to the treatment, hair growth may start coming back in the treated area anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks after the treatment. 

Most of the time, it takes between 3 and 8 sessions to make the hair loss last. You might also need touch-ups every year or so.

How Long Does The Treatment Last?

Laser hair removal must be permanent if you have a touch-up session once a year after your first treatment. You might not see any new growth for years. If you do, it tends to be thinner, lighter, and less dense than before.

Is Laser Hair Removal Treatment Ideal?

A dermatologist with a lot of experience should give you laser treatments to get rid of hair. Side effects are possible with any procedure. 

But the most common ones are pain, swelling, and redness that may only last a few days. Scarring or blistering are two of the more severe side effects that could happen.

Does Laser Hair Removal Lighten Skin?

Laser hair removal can sometimes make the skin lighter, but this usually only lasts for a short time. It’s more likely to happen if you have darker skin. 

Also, your skin may get lighter if you don’t stay out of the sun for six weeks before and after your treatment and use broad-spectrum sunscreen after your treatment.

Laser Hair Removal at SkinFX Medical Spa

Improvements in laser technology have led to better results and safer, faster, and more comfortable treatments. Laser Hair Removal works on almost any body part where smooth skin is wanted, like the underarms, face, neck, back, legs, shoulders, bikini line, and so on.

Among the benefits of laser hair removal are the following:

  • Permanent or temporary hair loss
  • Stops and gets rid of ingrown hairs
  • It softens the skin and doesn’t leave scars or cause other problems.
  • With only a few treatments, you can get lasting results.

Why Consider Laser Hair Removal?

If you want to test one of our cutting-edge laser treatments to eliminate unwanted hair, then it’s time for this treatment! Tell us more about yourself, and we’ll get back to you to set up an appointment. We appreciate you getting in touch with SkinFX Medical Spa. Here’s what we can offer.

For Your Face and Neck

Men with stubborn neck hair can cause ingrown hairs and other unsightly spots. Women can get rid of this fine hair on their upper lips with laser hair removal. 

Wait to get a wax every month. With a few treatments, laser hair removal can eliminate unwanted facial hair.

For Your Body

Many women are ready to give up their razors and switch to laser hair removal to remove hair on their legs, armpits, bikini line, and lower back. If you stop shaving once a week, this treatment can save you time and pain in the long run.

Preparing For The Treatment

A common question about laser hair removal is within its process. Laser hair removal isn’t just about “zapping” away unwanted hair. It is a medical procedure that must be done by someone who has been trained and could have risks. 

Before getting laser hair removal, you should learn a lot about the procedure’s doctor or technician. If you want to get rid of hair with a laser, you shouldn’t pluck, wax, or use electrolysis for at least six weeks before the treatment. 

This is because the laser targets the roots of the hairs, which waxing and plucking temporarily remove. In short, the day before your laser treatment, you should shave. While on the procedure, before using the laser on a sensitive part of your body, your doctor may put numbing gel on it. 

Some patients say that when the laser is used, it feels like a rubber band snapping. But as with any procedure, you may have some side effects.

Still, they are less likely to happen if your treatment is done by or under the supervision of a dermatologist with experience with laser hair removal treatments. Lastly, remember that you shouldn’t shower or bathe immediately after laser hair removal. 

Your doctor will tell you how long you should wait. Since your skin may still be sensitive, it could take anywhere from 8 to 48 hours. 

Laser Hair Removal Treating Your Worries

Your hair will be cut so that it is just a few millimeters above the skin’s surface right before the procedure. Most of the time, numbing medicine is put on the skin 20–30 minutes before the laser procedure. 

This helps make the laser pulses less painful. The laser equipment will turn based on your skin color and the color, thickness, and location of the hair you want to get rid of.

Depending on the laser or light source, you and the technician must wear eye protection. You will also need to use a cold gel or a particular cooling device to protect the top layers of your skin. This makes it easier for the laser light to get through the skin.

Next, the technician will give the treatment area a light pulse and watch it for a few minutes to ensure they use the correct settings for any bad reactions.

When the procedure is over, you may be given ice packs, anti-inflammatory creams, lotions, or cold water to help ease any pain. Your next appointment could be in four to six weeks. Treatments will continue until your hair stops growing.

Consult Your Worries Today!

Make an appointment with SkinFX Medical Spa immediately to learn more about laser hair removal. Our medical staff can help you look and feel your best by giving you the most up-to-date and effective treatments! 

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